This article assumes that not everybody reading is having trouble meeting women. In fact, if you've been paying attention, reading and listening to my materials, you're at least out there mixing it up, and scoring when you can.
So with that in mind, I'm going to talk about a common pick up situation that a lot of you have either encountered or will encounter sooner or later.
This one is called the obstacle.
If you've been doing your research, you know not only what the obstacle is, but who it is. The obstacle is that "other" chick.
Or other chicks.
The ones who are friends with your target girl. The one or more chicks who you aren't interested in and are going to block the hell out of you when you try to separate your target girl from them.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
To start, keep in mind the mindset of the obstacle girl.
She either rode with or drove her friend to wherever you are.
She's not only the least attractive of the two, she's used to guys hitting on her friend.
It's some sort of girl's night - or at a minimum they planned their evening ahead of time.
They both want to meet some men.
And here you come.
You ignore Broomhilda and turn your back to her while running your routines and paying all kinds of attention to Christy.
Broomhilda gets pissed, and goes into block mode. There is NO WAY she's letting you leave with Christy.
So, what's a man to do?
Well, for starters - it's best not to show Christy too much attention and fawn all over her regardless of whether or not she's there with a friend. You gotta push-pull with her and not seem so eager. Show that you MAY be interested.
But the real magic happens when you pay attention to Broomhilda.
In fact - you need to quickly become best friends with her. Fast.
Because once you do, then she's your wingman.
And here's some great ways to do just that.
They're out having a few drinks, hoping to meet some guys. So far, no takers. So make their night. Go over and liven things up. Let them think they both have a chance, for starters, by not showing your interest too heavily to Christy.
Christy knows she has a shot, because she's the hot one and it happens all the time. Broomhilda will know she has a shot because you aren't drooling all over Christy.
First off, whenever you approach a 2-set (two women) you want to ask them how they know each other - specifically, how they met.
Two friends LOVE to tell this story together. So ask them. It's a great opener, too.
Laugh a little bit, and try to work in a high five - with Broomhilda. If you can get them telling a story about their friendship, you can buddy up with Broomhilda and tell her, "I can see you're the one in charge of this friendship."
Ask them if they are best friends.
Talk about how important your friends are to you. Then ask Christy, "So, if you got a dead body in the trunk at three in the morning, you call Broomhilda first, right?"
See - you're best friends, and she's in charge. High five Broomhilda.
Use your camera phone - have Christy take a picture of you with your arm around Broomhilda. Then look at it with them. Then, you take a picture of both of them. (They will hate the picture 9 times out of 10 so just take another one until they are both happy with it). Tell Broomhilda she photographs well. Let Christy wait for any compliments.
Then, you have Broomhilda take a picture of you and Christy. Get your arm around her waist, and get in close, cheek to cheek. Then, when you look at with them, tell them you hate it and need another one.
Make a very quick trip to the restroom - don't even use it - just say I'll be right back, and lean in and tell Broomhilda that she's awesome. Then pause, and say, and Christy's really kinda cute but shy. Then go.
Christy wants to know what you whispered in Broomhilda's ear while you are gone.
Yadda yadda, on and on.
Point is, once you are friends with Broomhilda, then you'll get her "permission" to hit on Christy, and she'll even help you. Whenever possible, sit down and sit between them. It let's you look at Broomhilda and slyly start to touch Christy. On the leg. Her hand, etc. Christy will get your interest, and it will make her hot for you.
If you put her off at first, make friends with both of them, then later warm up to Christy physically, it will turn her on. You need to get physical - even just a hand-hold, to let her know you are interested. If you've played her off properly, she'll be dying for some affirmation as to her hotness.
Then SHE will start to think of ways to get with you without Broomhilda, and you'll more than likely have Broomhilda's blessing at this point.
Short versions: Don't ever ignore the obstacle. She'll kill your chances.
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Til next time
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Source by J.D. Dallas
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