Sunday, June 26, 2016

Mexican Poncho


The Mexican poncho is universally recognized as an iconic symbol of Mexico and its culture, history and people. The poncho has been a popular article of clothing for hundreds of years in Mexico, pre-dating the Spanish invasion of the early nineteenth century. The poncho is a simple, but very useful article of clothing that has served its purpose very well. Although the poncho was initially created out of necessity, it is now worn as an article of fashion by most. However, indigenous people of Mexico and Latin America continue to incorporate the poncho into their daily lives.

The poncho originated by simply cutting a hole in the middle of a blanket so that the blanket could be worn continuously while allowing for free movement of the arms. This creation was ideal for the desert climates, where temperatures plummeted once the sun went down. The poncho allowed the workers to continue in their labors in the cooler evenings.

Today, the ponchos is found around the world and in many different sizes, shapes and styles. However, the Mexican poncho is still generally found in two styles. The serape poncho is similar to the serape blankets, which are the brightly colored blankets that are common in Mexican restaurants and in every tourist town in Mexico. These ponchos come in assorted colors, with a fringe along the bottom. The second one is the falsa poncho, which is a much looser weave and is similar to the traditional falsa blanket that is often used for Yoga and is also popular in Tijuana and other tourist areas.

These two Mexican ponchos are great for warmth, but also to wear to any type of Mexican fiesta or Cinco de Mayo type event.


Source by Marcos Gomez


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